Green Tax Service, LLC

Tax Break for Biking to Work

Everyday I drive to work and I almost always see the same person (it is usually still dark, so I have no idea if it is a man or woman) riding their bike to work on the long stretch of road between Fort Collins and Loveland. This person rides even in the rain or freezing cold. I am sure they do it for exercise or to reduce their carbon footprint, but I often wonder if they know they can get a tax benefit from riding that bicycle.

That’s right, tax law is on the books that allows employers to provide up to $20 a month or $240 a year to any employee that rides their bike to work for a “substantial portion” of the month. It is not a lot of money, but enough to offset the regular maintenance of a bike or to purchase a helmet or lock.

Thanks to the Fort Collins Bicycle Co-Op for the image

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